US Based Guyanese Lawyer Rickford Burke Respond To Anil Nandlall
Updated: Sep 21, 2020

Anil Nandlall, former PPP Attorney General who was arrested and charged with theft of millions of dollars worth of Government of Guyana law books, tonight published a mendacious and libelous article attacking me because of my letter to Speaker of the US House of Representatives. It appears that he is under the delusion that he and other PPP operatives can intimidate me for demanding justice for the over 1400 Afro-Guyanese young men that were killed by PPP death squads during the previous PPP government. I am undeterred by criminal minds. I cannot be intimidated by Anil Nandalall or anyone else in the PPP; especially a common petty book thief!

In a somewhat inebriated diatribe, which seems more fitting for a horse stable, Nandlall embarked on his junkyard canine-like rant about me being an alleged racist because I have consistently demanded justice for the over 1400 black persons that were killed by PPP dead squads. Being labeled a racist for demanding justice for victims of a racist death squad is a badge of honor. This campaign for justice will not end until there is justice for the men that were killed. In the US KKK Grand Wizards called civil rights leaders and activists racists because they demanded equal rights and justice. Nandlall is therefore in good company.

Anil Nandlall suggested that I should be arrested and charged and extradited to Guyana for exercising freedom of expression. He opined that I should be sanctioned by the US State Department for criticizing the PPP and demanding justice for the PPP death squad murders. This attempt to silence criticism and free speech is in keeping with his party’s history of using threats, extrajudicial killings, political assassinations, and police arrests to silence criticism by citizens and journalists. Nandlall and his party believe that PPP supporters alone should have a voice in Guyana and that any other contender in the public square should be crushed and possibly killed like journalist Ronald Waddell.
The PPP doesn’t have a monopoly on free speech. They don’t control the human freedoms and civil liberties of Guyanese. All of their death threats and other terrorist threats and attacks will be investigated. This is not Guyana where they have corrupted the entire society and where people who criticize them end up in jail, like Mark Benschop, or dead.
I live in the United States. I’m a free, productive, law-abiding citizen. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution - the Bill of Rights, protects my freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, as well as freedom of the press, and the right to petition the US government. These are absolute rights - constitutional guarantees which no law, executive action, person, or desires of the

fanatic, racists like Nanlall can abridge or infringe.
The audacity of a petty book thief to suggest to the US government whose rights must be suspended because of personal hatred is demonstrative of an astounding arrogance, that is only commensurate with the daring heist of the government’s law books collection.
I have a right to express my views just like Nandlall or anyone else in the PPP. I have a right to call for only valid votes to be counted. I have a right to believe whatever I want; including the fact that the PPP committed voter impersonation and election fraud, by voting for dead people and persons who live abroad. Nandlall and other bigots, who act like rotten, "tin-cup" dictators, cannot export their fascism to the US to suppress my free speech rights and undermine democratic rights of Guyanese living in the United States.

Nandlall’s entire essay was a demonstration of his congenitally, pathologically mendacious disorder. He claims that I called Gerry Gouveia a “drug dealer” - a blatant lie. I challenged Gerry to prove that President David Granger and the APNU+AFC coalition ‘rigged” the 2020 election, and asked him whether he would like people to believe rumors that he is a drug transporter, as is alleged, without any evidence?
Nandlall also falsely claimed that I accused GECOM Chairman, Justice Claudette Singh of electoral fraud. More evidence of his pathological, lying disorder. I said that Justice Singh misled Guyanese by leading us to believe the recount will comprise an audit to reconcile votes with ballots and statutory documents. But instead she apparently only intended to count ballots found in boxes and abandoned the allegations of voter fraud stated in the observation reports. That's my opinion to which I have right under the law.
In an effort to manufacture fake hostility and alarm, he also laughably claimed that I said the "vilest things about the US Ambassador." However, he failed to list a single so-called vile thing that I allegedly said about the Ambassador. Indeed I said unambiguously that the demands from, and interference in the elections, by the ABCE Ambassadors, make Guyana look like a plantation. I stand by that comment. Guyana is a sovereign country. Several Members of the United States Congress have emphasized this, and have demanded that there be no interference in the elections. I concur with them. Since Anil Nandlall believes that he has all the effrontery on the planet, why doesn’t he call for the US State Department to sanction those Members of Congress that have condemned US interference in the elections? They have also supported an investigation into PPP death squad killings. Why doesn’t he label them “racists” too?” I dare him!

The ABCE Ambassadors aren't god's who are exempt from criticism. We know the PPP is only hiding under the pants and skirts of the ABCE Ambassadors now because they need their assistance to get into power. Nothing else. The PPP has a history of hostility to the ABCE Ambassadors. Where was Anil Nandalall when his colleague, Priya Manickchand, then acting as Foreign Minister, went to the home of then US Ambassador, Dr. Brent Hardt on July 2, 2014, for the US Independence celebration, and embarked on the vilest, vitriolic and indecent attack on the Ambassador and the US government, because the Ambassador called out the PPP for being a threat to democracy in Guyana?
The Kaieteur News newspaper, in its July 3, 2014 edition described the attack on the Ambassador as "the most shocking abuse of hospitality and a disregard for the diplomatic norms." The attack was so vicious and disgraceful, that Ms. Manickchand was booed and several guests walked out. I can therefore only surmise that this is the vile attack to which Nandlall referred in his rant.

Moreover, Nandlall should be the last person to call for sanctions against anyone. He and a former security operative in the Attorney General’s Chambers during his tenure, are allegedly under police investigation in connection with the murder of Courtney Crum Ewing. Crum Ewing is the former Guyana Defence Force officer and APNU+AFC activist who was brutally gunned down in Diamond Village, ECD, a week before the May 11, 2015 election campaign. The investigation is ongoing.
Nandlall was also caught on tape threatening to send gunmen to gun down journalists at the Kaieteur News newspaper. Furthermore, Kaieteur News reported on November 14, 2014, that a black SUV used by Nandlall pulled up at its printing press at Eccles Village, EBD, with men with guns, who intimidated its staff. Moreover, it was Nandlall who, last week, was caught on videotape threatening that if the PPP gets back into government, some APNU+AFC members and supporters will have to run from Guyana. Maybe he should tell the US State Department if he intends to use the same men that were in the black SUV with guns or the PPP’s death squad to effect his mercenary-style expulsion of “certain people” from Guyana.
I’m advised that the pernicious, sordid record of the PPP’s legacy is being reviewed by several Members of the US Congress, as well as the Congressional Black Caucus. Genocide is a serious crime against humanity that is also a crime in the US. I, therefore, call on the US State Department of State and the US Congress to sanction Anil Nandalall for being part of the PPP regime that was complicit with death squads that committed over 1400 extrajudicial killings, murders,

and political assassinations; for allegedly threatening to send gunmen to kill journalists, and for his alleged involvement in the Courtney Crum Ewing case. I call on Guyanese of all races to denounce Nandlall’s attempt to suppress free speech in the US. Guyanese of all races and ethnicities must also demand justice for the murder of Courtney Crum Ewing, Ronald Waddell, and the over 1400 PPP dead squad killings.