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Former AG Anil Nandalall Address Rickford Burke Latest Statement.


Up until tonight, I never listened or read the speeches or writings of Rickford Burke but from the little that I have gleaned of him, I long considered him to be somewhat mentally deranged. So I ignored him.

Tonight I was requested to listen to an audio recording of his, currently in circulation and what I heard were the rantings of a very sad and depressed human being, whose mind is filled with hate and racial hostilities, desperately clamoring for attention which he feels he deserves but is not attracting.

Were it not for the potential damage his sadistic outpourings can cause to already strained race relations in this country and the further derailment of the democratic process, such a demented mind is best ignored with the hope that professional help would at some stage, be enlisted.

In this recording, this man ranted for over an hour at the top of his voice, screaming like a hyena in heat. I gather that he was engaged in this vocal masturbation in a basement somewhere in New York, as he tries so emphatically to rip apart relations between Afro and Indo- Guyanese in Guyana, while at the same time, slaughtering the reputation of outstanding Guyanese citizens and Caribbean leaders. Gerry Gouveia was labeled a drug lord; Justice Claudette Singh was accused of being corrupt, dishonest, and guilty of electoral fraud; Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves was described as a rapist who stole Government in his country. This man accused the entire CARICOM Region and all the leaders of being racists against black people. If this is not lunacy then I do not know what is.

Essentially, Burke supports Mingo’s declaration in which Mingo gifted APNU+AFC 23,000 more votes than they received, while at the same time deducting from the PPP more than 1000 votes and in the process, counted 17,000 votes that were never cast on elections day. He further wants Keith Lowenfield’s various reports, one in which he invalidated 115,000 votes, and one in which he included Mingo’s declaration, to be used to declare the results. The fact that the CCJ ruled that Lowenfield nor GECOM can invalidate votes or can determine whether votes are fraudulent or not and has actually vacated one of Lowenfield’s report are all matters which have not been able to penetrate the thick skull of this man. Because the Chairperson has refused to accept these fraudulent numbers, this man poured the worse type of vitriol on this distinguished former Judge.

He attacks the recount order, claiming that it is unlawful but forgets that Vincent Alexander takes authorship of it and that it received the approval of the CCJ.

In the course of his inane tirade, he says the vilest things about the US Ambassador, the Diplomatic Community, and all the international organizations, which have condemned the attempts to rig the elections. He argues that they are all victims of misinformation by the PPP, which he describes as a murderous organization. His state of insanity prevents him from recognizing that it is impossible for all these organizations and international statesmen and stateswomen to be so gullible that they will fall prey to the PPP’s narrative if it was not factual. The same level of mental ineptitude prevents him from recognizing that no one buys APNU+AFC’s narrative other than themselves.

His incendiary racist and inflammatory outpourings are simply dangerous to the stability of our country and threaten peace, order, and the good governance of Guyana. That he does not live here, contributes not a single tax-paying dollar to this country and will not have to endure the ethnically driven violence that he is promoting, simply compound the issue. Certainly, at the appropriate time, the State of Guyana may wish to examine his publications with a view of instituting the appropriate criminal charges, all of which are extraditable offenses.

In the meanwhile, I respectfully invite the US State Department to examine this man’s ramblings and to consider whether he should not be visited with sanctions. Alas, he does his wickedness from within the US itself.




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