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APNU+AFC Coalition Reject PPP Claims about Guyana’s First Peoples.


APNU+AFC Coalition objects to PPP disrespect of Guyana’s First Peoples.

The APNU+AFC Coalition alerts the First Peoples of Guyana and all Guyanese to a flagrant attempt by the PPP government to use the indigenous peoples of our country as decoys for the misuse of state funds.

Following credible information that the new PPP ‘Ministry of Amerindian Affairs’ is creating a slush fund to allow for corrupt practices, the APNU+AFC Coalition today pressed the subject minister, Ms. Pauline Sukhai for answers during the consideration of the budget estimates. APNU+AFC Members of Parliament sought answers to questions about where, when, and how the $800,000,000 allocation to the ‘Amerindian Fund’ will be disbursed under the ministry's Community Development and Empowerment Programme.

Ms. Sukhai appeared confused and was unable to provide clear answers to the direct questions. The APNU+AFC Coalition could not give its approval for the misuse and abuse of taxpayers’ monies and called a division in the house to register its disquiet and disagreement with this early attempt to defraud the treasury while using our indigenous peoples as the cover for doing so.

Our indigenous peoples deserve transparency and accountability. They deserve better than the mischievous and coercive tactics that the PPP uses to address their needs. This is not the first such attempt as the PPP did similar in their previous terms. The age-old PPP policy of siphoning off the major share of funds for party friends while a minuscule portion is delivered to the people in the villages is well known.

The APNU+AFC assures the First Peoples of Guyana and all Guyanese that we will continue to represent their interests and scrutinize the sums being sought by the PPP and will register disapproval whenever obvious instances of possible corruption arise.



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